Friday, August 31, 2012

Un cadeau peu ordinaire

   We left the Chartreuse behind just for a quick visit to our Great British neighbours, where a nice surprise was waiting for us. Our birthday present was hair-raising !

   In Regent’s Park, the “Gorilla Circus” flying trapeze school ( had set up shop for the summer, where you can go for a 2-hour session. Cool, I had tried it 10 years ago at the Club Med and had since dreamed of doing some more. The sensations are super and I take great pleasure in it.

   Of course, you mustn’t have a fear of heights. Firstly, we practised hanging from a trapeze, 2 metres from the ground. Then we climbed the tall, very tall ladder. As with the treetop adventure park, we’re always safely harnessed so no risk of ending up like a pancake on the ground☺
   The three guys were tip top and it was just a case of following their instructions.

 1 – We launch ourselves off 2 – and hop, we bring the legs to the bar 3 – we let our arms go to hang (left) 4 – we bring the arms back up 5 – we brings the legs back down (right) then we use our momentum to let go and land after 1 or 2 somersaults.

   So much fun, really, and I loved it, I swear… even if my internal ear played a nasty trick on me. Spinning round and round like on the Magic Roundabout doesn’t make me as apt as Zebedee, and I found myself feeling rather flat. After each go, waves of nausea would increase in strength and on the last one, I could no longer resist. Thankfully, I had time to come down from the net – though without somersaulting this time – and touch terra ferma. An ambulance had to be called because my legs… and body, had given up. They don’t realise how much your heart and stomach churns, and the journey to the hospital was therefore torture. Beurk ! Still, all is now well, just a few anti-nausea pills and I should be back up and running in no time.
   A big thumbs-up to the English emergency services who, before taking us to hospital, asked us where we lived, so that we could go to the closer of the two nearest hospitals. Reading was our answer so one close to Paddington (a superb piece of architecture by the way, and the subject of a blog of its own. London still has many marvels to reveal !). St. Mary’s hospital was chosen, just a stone’s throw from the station. All’s well that ends well.
    Still, this damn internal ear needs to be looked into because I loved the trapeze and would like very much to go again… though not in the near future ☺. If you are around the area, it’s such a fun activity, and Anton-E was on cloud nine. On the last try, he even managed to grab on to the forearms of the other trapezist and let go… me ? well, nearly, because at that stage, I was already quite “out of it” !
       23/08/2012 Regent's park, London

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